Your hosts James and Mike, with the occasional guest, look at the Canadian wargames scene. We're interested in miniature wargaming, board (hex and counter) games, and how Canadian military history inspires some of our projects. We hope to help tell the stories of a small but dynamic hobby scene in a big country.

Monday Oct 31, 2022
The Canadian Wargamer Podcast Episode 19:No Guest, Just a Natter
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
After a two month absence, which is explained in tedious detail, CWP is back. No guest this month, just Mike and James having a long overdue natter and catchup.
We talk about the Amazon pseudo-Silmarillion series Rings of Power, and whether it will have any influence on wargaming in Middle Earth. Those who know James will know that he has strong opinions. Will Games Workshop offer Rings of Power, oooops, sorry, Second Age figures? No matter, gamers have tons of options for ME suitable figures. James talks about his new Conqueror dwarves like Durin exulting over mithril, and some of his newest recruits (Oathmark, etc) in his Host of the Rohirrim. Jams also offers some thoughts on Lion Rampant 2nd Ed.
Mike talks about his move and a new job, a hobby slump, and maybe starting a gaming group in a new town from scratch. Mike hasn't painted much lately, but has backed some SYW 3D Kickstarters from our friends at Tundra Works and Henry Turner.
We spend the last third of the podcast chatting about the books we've read lately, and James anticipates his trip to LardEh 3 in Hamilton which is long in the past by the time this is published. From what we've seen of James' Twitter feed since then, it was a good time.
Stuff we reference:
Conqueror Models Dwarves: https://conquerormodels.com/product-category/28mm-fantasy/dwarfs/
Lion Rampant Version 2 Rules: https://ospreypublishing.com/lion-rampant-second-edition?___store=osprey_ca
James D. Hornfischer, Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, https://www.amazon.ca/Last-Stand-Tin-Sailors-Extraordinary/dp/0553381482
James Holland, Brothers in Arms: One Legendary Tank Regiment's Bloody War From D-Day to VE-Day https://www.amazon.ca/Brothers-Arms-James-Holland/dp/0802159087/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=Cj0KCQjwnvOaBhDTARIsAJf8eVM7hxW5cF3nyo0PMpm-bo9dveH7aJxN5hT8JiqXvRoJQPG20ViAEo8aAvWYEALw_wcB&hvadid=549311616473&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9000890&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=925040391481924233&hvtargid=kwd-1438570923992&hydadcr=13567_9588741&keywords=brothers+in+arms+james+holland&qid=1667091767&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjg3IiwicXNhIjoiMC43MCIsInFzcCI6IjAuNTkifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-1
Andrew Field, Grouchy’s Waterloo: The Battles of Ligny and Wavre https://www.amazon.ca/Grouchys-Waterloo-Battles-Ligny-Wavre-ebook/dp/B0727LVGBL
Humphrey Carpenter, J. R. R. Tolkien: A Biography https://www.amazon.ca/J-R-Tolkien-Biography/dp/0008207771
Contact Us (We Love Hearing From You!):
Canadian Wargamer Podcast Facebook Page:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
In the first and longest part of the podcast, Mike speaks with Dr. Robert C. Engen, a Canadian military historian and educator with a passion for wargames. I spoke with Robert while he's between jobs. Until recently, he used wargames to teach operational process and planning to mid-career officers at the Canadian Forces Staff College in Toronto, and will be soon be on his way to teach the same thing to the Australian military. The same job, Robert tells me, only upside down.
Robert and I had a wide-ranging discussion about hobby wargaming (he is one of us!) and wargames used as part of Professional Military Education, both in the history of Canada's military and today. We talked about the similarities and differences between hobby and professional wargames, as well as whether war-games are predictive (often they're not) or better used to teach decision making and process. Our conversation included the classic game Diplomacy, Operation Husky (Sicily 1943), Taiwan, and the current war in Ukraine. We didn't even get to Robert's considerable body of work on the Canadian Army in World War Two, so we'll have to invite him back to discuss that.
In the Canadian Content Corner, James and I speak with Morgan Drawson of Tundra Works, a Canadian miniatures producer whose Kickstarter just went live today. Tundra Works offers an interesting line of 18mm Lace Wars figures, and their project is connected to a wider project of introducing campus gamers to historical miniatures (we discussed that project with Cynthia Jing some months ago). It's an ambitious project, we we wish them luck. Their KS info is below.
Our Guest Dr. Robert C. Engen
Dr. Engen's Website: http://robertengen.ca
Dr. Engen's Books:
Canadians Under Fire: Infantry Effectiveness in the Second World War (McGill Queens 2009): https://www.amazon.ca/Canadians-Under-Fire-Infantry-Effectiveness/dp/0773536264/ref=sr_1_1?crid=23HUU3VZA2YX2&keywords=robert+engen&qid=1660443658&sprefix=robert+engen%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-1
Strangers in Arms: Combat Motivation in the Canadian Army, 1943-1945 (McGill Queens 2016).
With Matthew Barrett:
Through Their Eyes: A Graphic History of Hill 70 and Canada's First World War (McGill Queens 2022).
Our Guest Morgan Drawson
TundraWorks Lace Wars Kickstarter:
Also Mentioned:
6 Squared Studios: https://6squaredstudios.ca
6 Squared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/6squaredstudios/
Contact Us (We Love Hearing From You!):
Canadian Wargamer Podcast Facebook Page:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Sunday Jul 17, 2022
The Canadian Wargamer Podcast Episode 17 With Our Guest, Thomas Moore.
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
We're back for Episode 17 of CWP and we're chuffed that we are now over 5000 downloads. Of course, we have no idea how many of those downloads led to people wiping their hard drives after listening to us for a few minutes, but 5k is 5k, and we'll take it. Our gratitude to all of you who listen to the podcast and who tell their friends about us.
In this Episode, James and I managed despite a spotty Zoom connection to speak with Thomas Moore whose out in Whiterock, near Vancouver, British Columbia. Thomas' Twitter bio describes him as "Amateur Historian, Wargamer, Painter, Mpdeller, Voracious Reader, RCN Vet, NFL Seattle Seahawks Fan". All of those things are true. We would add that Thomas is possibly the nicest guy on wargaming Twitter, always a voice of encouragement and enthusiasm, and never a snarky or sarcastic word from his keyboard. We could all learn from him. OK, we could. Well, James, mostly.
We talked about Thomas' time in the Royal Canadian Navy as Cadet and Reservist, back when they let cadets do fun and really dangerous things, and about his wargaming career. Thomas had us salivating as he described the gaming group of true grognards he plays with in Whiterock, British Columbia, and we were both considering emigrating there before the end of the interview. Yes, he did say that one member of his group has 100,000 figures!
Also, have you ever valued your wargames and mini collection? No? Well, you should, because Thomas talks about how he and his wife Rita put their lives, and his hobby, back together after a fire in their apartment building. It's a sobering story, and on we could all learn from.
In the Canadian Content Corner, we speak with Thomas about his Twitter project of documenting Canadian military history in WW2 through his choosing photographs from the National Library. This salon is reason to follow his Twitter feed. Also in the CCC, as we're now calling it, we talk about finding, identifying, and laying to rest Canadian soldiers of the Great War, as well as long overdue honours to the African-Canadians of No. 2 Construction Battalion.
Our Guest
Thomas on Twitter: @Medical_Int
Mentioned: Wargamer's Terrain webstore: http://www.wargamersterrain.com
Thomas' Book Choices for our Virtual Library:
Brent Nosworthy: The Bloody Crucible of Courage: Fighting Methods and Combat Experience of the American Civil War. https://www.amazon.ca/Bloody-Crucible-Courage-Fighting-Experience-ebook/dp/B00359EV94/ref=sr_1_2?crid=7ODVTWKXCWC3&keywords=brent+nosworthy+american+civil+war&qid=1658021779&sprefix=brent+nosworthy+american+civil+war%2Caps%2C99&sr=8-2
James Holland, Brothers in Arms: One Legendary Tank Regiment's Bloody War from D-Day to VE Day. https://www.amazon.ca/Brothers-Arms-Legendary-Regiments-V-ebook/dp/B08YS123SZ/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=CjwKCAjww8mWBhABEiwAl6-2Rbfv2LB1MddqquSvCBt7AFMSZUd5AW8Tt4DDD6VJju4TS1EtuZwdzRoCAqIQAvD_BwE&hvadid=549311616473&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9000801&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9174794733792679732&hvtargid=kwd-1438570923992&hydadcr=13567_9588741&keywords=brothers+in+arms+james+holland&qid=1658021686&sr=8-1
John English, The Canadian Army in the Normandy Campaign, A Study of Failure in High Command (1991).
Our Closing March:
In honour of our guest, Heart of Oak from the Naden Band of the Royal Canadian Navy.
Canadian Content Corner
Pte John Lambert (The Newfoundland Regiment) identified and buried with military honours: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/military-history/history-heritage/casualty-identification-military/Private-John-Lambert.html
Burial Service of Unidentified Member of the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, Loos Commonwealth Cemetery: https://www.cwgc.org/visit-us/events/burial-service-for-an-unknown-soldier-of-the-5th-canadian-mounted-rifles-and-two-unknown-soldiers-of-unknown-regiments-will-be-held-at-cwgc-s-loos-british-cemetery-france/
Dr. Sarah Lockyer on Twitter: @S_Lockyer
No. 2 Construction Battalion National Apology: https://youtu.be/RDLetn8eRAA
No 2 Construction Battalion History: https://www.no2-cef.ca/history/
Contact Us (We Love Hearing From You!):
Canadian Wargamer Podcast Facebook Page:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
In the first half, we convene a bona fide panel of some of our favourite grognards to talk about a burning question, why are there so many Napoleonic rules sets out there, with more arriving every year, and why are they still being written?
The conversation focuses on Naps, but could easily be ported to a discussion about ancients, WW2, etc. At the very least, what should we legitimately expect of a new rules set? Is it a vanity project, published by someone who simply doesn't like other peoples' games, or does it offer some new mechanism or insight? Should wargames authors at the very least have to tell us what are the assumptions behind their rules? It's a fascinating, lively and wide ranging conversation.
In the second half, James and Mike natter about Napoleonic wagon and artillery parks and how logistics never goes out of style, DBA as a guide to understanding the ancient world, and some of the great games to be seen at LardEh in May.
Our Guests:
Tom Castanos, Anything But a One Podcast: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/nax6w-dfdf2/Anything-But-a-One%21-Adventures-in-Historical-Miniature-Wargaming-Podcast
Jim Owczarski ( @TheGascon )
Jim's YouTube Channel:
Glenn Pearce, Napoleonic Miniatures War-game Society of Toronto:
Don Perrin:
Books Mentioned:
Nigel Stillman and Nigel Tallis, Armies of the Ancient Near East, 3000 BC - 539 BC, WRG 1984 (OOP)
Arthur W. Gullachsen, An Army of Never-Ending Strength: Reinforcing the Canadians in NW Europe, 1944-45. UBC Press, 2021.
Our Closing March:
The Great Little Army (Quick March of the Canadian Army).
Contact Us:
Canadian Wargamer Podcast Facebook Page:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
It's been over a month since we published Ep 14, so here's TWO AND A HALF HOURS of nonsense and yakking to make up for our absence.
In the first half, we talk to Montreal-based gamer Pierre-Yves Troel, who wowed us all in March at HotLead with his participation game of What a Cowboy, a much-anticipated western gunfight game soon to be published (we hope) from Too Fat Lardies. P-Y (Mike totally mangled his name and variously called him Y-P, P-J, and God knows what else, though our guest was too polite to say anything) talks about his gaming career, discovering the TFL community through online gaming, and his growing expertise in 3D printing. We also talked about the gaming scene in La Belle Province of Quebec.
In the second half, during our Canadian Content Corner (CCC), friend of the podcast Chris Robinson checks in to give us a update on LardEh, Canuckistan's TFL-themed gaming day returning to Hamilton, Ontario on 28 March. Chris also tells us about what he and Big Rich chatted about when Chris was a guest of the TFL Oddcast. Rounding out the CCC, Mike reports on what he's learned about how the Canadian Army faced a massive challenge training an NCO Corps from scratch in WW2. We also chat about about the Guadalcanal Campaign, about gaming WW3, James' WW3 Imaginations (Mantovia and Borduria), Mike's discovery of DBA (talk about coming late to the party) and how many figures a horse and musket unit really needs. It's a wide ranging convo, good for an extra-long painting session.
Our Guest:
Pierre-Yves on Twitter: @iwouldlike2rage
P-Y's minis and painting website: http://www.iwouldliketorage.com
P-Y's contributions to the CWP Virtual Library:
Churchill's Secret Warriors: The Explosive True Story of the Special Forces Desperadoes of WW2 by Damien Lewis. Quercus Publishing, 2014.
Behind Japanese Lines: With the OSS in Burma by Richard Dunlop. Skyhorse Publishing, 2014.
Other Subjects Mentioned In This Podcast:
LardEh, Hamilton, May 28: https://twothreesixmm.blogspot.com/2022/03/lardehs-game-day-ii.html?fbclid=IwAR03DIVymyCg_GqCWmHkxIwb7LcUEUCQhJuLZOZg6bzh5Z4Kq-w1HGTYBm0
Frozen Lard Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/frozenlard
Books Mentioned:
Battlegroup! The Lessons of the Unfought Battles of the Cold War, by Jim Storr (Hellion, 2021).
Neptune's Inferno: The US Navy at Guadalcanal, by James D. Hornfishcher. (Bantam, 2012).
Building the Army's Backbone: Canadian Non-Commissioned Officers in the Second World War, by Andrew L. Brown (UBC Press, 2021).
George MacDonald Frazer, Quartered Safe Out There. (2007)
DBA 3.0 Rules, by Phil Barker (WRG).
Our Closing March:
The Meeting of the Waters (Quick March of the Rocky Mountain Rangers), played by the band of the Royal Highland Fusiliers:
Listen closely to the podcast for details on how to win some of Bob Murch's fabulous Cossack miniatures, proceeds go to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Fund for Ukraine.
Contact Us:
Canadian Wargamer Podcast Facebook Page:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Shawn Taylor is the first published Canadian rules writer that we've had on the podcast. (James has also published rules, but he's a host, so he gets an honourable mention). Shawn is an amazingly prolific rules writer. He's best known for his collaborative work with Robert Dunlop on Great War Spearhead, a popular set of rules for fighting large (corps level) First World War battles in small scales. Besides GWS, Shawn has authored rules for clandestine warfare in Nazi occupied Europe, SF skirmish actions defending Earth from alien invaders, and French-Viet Minh actions in IndoChina.
Shawn was an enthusiastic and talkative guest. Our guest bio conversation covered his long military career and family heritage and how that informs his gaming and choice of subjects. We spent a lot of time discussing the Great War, a subject that arguably has been poorly served by war-games rules and not well understood by wargamers. Shawn walked us through the mechanics of GWS and how it puts players in the role of senior commanders, thus challenging players to resist their own possible stereotypes about lions led by donkeys.
We also talked about Shawn's other projects, including Mourir Pour L'Indochine and its recent successful Kickstarter, as well as the gaming scene in Victoria and the Lower Mainland, which we hope to visit (virtually) in a future podcast interview.
Links to our Guest Shawn Taylor:
Shawn Taylor Publications Rules: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/gwshii
Great War Spearhead on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/480426242475999
God's Own Scale Interview with Shawn Taylor and Robert Dunlop:
Shawn's Book Recommendations for the CWP Virtual Library:
Mark Zuehlke, Ortona: Canada's Epic Battle
Mark Zuehlke, Tragedy at Dieppe: Operation Jubilee, August 19, 1942: https://www.amazon.ca/Tragedy-Dieppe-Operation-Jubilee-August/dp/1771620161/ref=sr_1_1?crid=9H9RI7DBM55Q&keywords=mark+zuehlke+dieppe&qid=1648844599&s=books&sprefix=mark+zuehlke+dieppe%2Cstripbooks%2C134&sr=1-1
Terry Copp, Fields of Fire, The Canadians in Normandy (2nd Ed)
Terry Copp, Cinderella Army, the Canadians in NW Europe, 1944-45
Our Closing March in Honour of Our Guest:
The Meeting of the Waters (Quick March of the Rocky Mountain Rangers), played by the band of the Royal Highland Fusiliers:
Listen closely to the podcast for details on how to win some of Bob Murch's fabulous Cossack miniatures, proceeds go to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Fund for Ukraine.
Contact Us:
Canadian Wargamer Podcast Facebook Page:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
James and Mike convene a stellar panel of new and veteran game masters to compare notes about what we saw, played, bought and did at Hotlead, Southern Ontario's best and biggest tabletop miniatures event and the first one since March 2020 and the start of Covid.
Our Guests: Joe Saunders https://www.youtube.com/c/MiniatureLandscapeHobbies/videos
Keith Burnett and Brian Hall from KEGS (Kent Essex Gaming Society) https://www.facebook.com/KEGSCON?filter=2
James' Hotlead report: http://rabbitsinmybasement.blogspot.com/2022/03/hot-lead-2022-in-which-rabbitman-does.html
Mike's Hotlead report:
Hotlead on Facebook
Our Current Contest: Somewhere in this episode is a contest. Listen to win a set of Bob Murch / Pulp Figures Cossacks. Proceeds from these figures go to the UNHCR appeal for Ukraine.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Cynthia Jing is the youngest person to appear on our podcast to date, and is arguably the most famous, because she and her group have been featured on Little Wars TV, and we haven't (not that we're jealous). Cynthia is part of the Laurentian Tabletop Organization, a Canadian club that supports college and university gamers in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto.
We had a great chat with Cynthia about how her group is firmly rooted in tabletop miniatures gaming, particularly at the crunchy end (Napoleonics and Seven Years War) while, thanks to Covid (thanks, Covid! >said ironically<), has pivoted to digital platforms such as Tabletop Simulator and Twitch. We talked about how Laurentian helps college-age gamers discover the hobby, about the secrets of running successful campaigns, and about how it's cool to be a nerd. As two aging nerds in cardigans, James and I were grateful to learn that we're cool.
One of the secrets of getting people into historical gaming is playable rules that have complexity but are not ridiculously complicated, have a strategic aspect for campaign games, and which can play to a quick conclusion. We talked about how Sam Mustafa's horse and musket rules, particularly Blucher and Might and Reason, work well for this purpose. Cynthia recently hosted a fascinating chat with Sam on her Twitch channel and there's a link below.
We also talked about how the folks in Cynthia's group move between tabletop gaming (or it's digital equivalent) and highly complex video strategy games like Hearts of Iron (think Avalon Hill's Third Reich crossed with Sid Meier's Civilization. Cynthia's contribution to our CWP Digital Library includes a publisher of these games.
In a shortened conclusion, James and I talk about Hotlead (just around the corner!), and the difficulties of finding joy in the hobby during this stressful time of war that lives on our phones and tears our hearts. We'll be back soon with a post-Hot Lead episode.
Links to This Episode:
Our Guest, Cynthia Jing:
Laurentian Tabletop Gaming Organization: https://www.facebook.com/groups/582653558459668
Cynthia's Channel on Twitch:
Cynthia's Interview with Sam Mustafa:
Cynthia's Game Recommendations for the CWP Virtual Library:
Paradox Interactive: https://www.paradoxinteractive.com
Our Closing March
The Great Little Army (Kenneth J. Alford), Quick March of the Canadian Army
Contact Us:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Wednesday Feb 09, 2022
Joe Saunders is one of the nicest guys you'll ever hope to meet in the hobby - he's an artist, a modeller, and a gifted teacher who wants to share his many skills so the rest of us can build better looking models and fight our miniature battles on better looking tables. In this interview, we talk about Joe's background with Games Workshop Canada (remember them?), building his YouTube channel, and his work with Battlefront. We also discuss Joe's recent decision to get into Napoleonics gaming (One of Us! One of Us! One of Us!).
In the second half of the podcast, Mike and James go into the Canadian Content Corner to talk about a little known and horrific battle, Kapelsche Veer, in the winter of 1945 as Canadian troops (Lincoln and Welland Regiment, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), some of them in canoes (!), cleared stubborn German defenders in a brutal week of fighting along the Maas River in northern Holland.
In the What We're Doing segment, Mike talks about his early adventures in 3D printing, and his favourable impressions of Sam Mustafa's Napoleonics rules, Lasalle 2. James talks about how artillery takes up a lot of space on the battlefield, and revisits his beloved Bavarians being annoying to Napoleon at Hanau in 1813. We also talk about how things are looking better for HotLead in March (woot! woot!) and we look ahead to CanGames in Ottawa on the Victoria Day Weekend in May (hmmmm, gaming, or gardening????).
Links to This Episode:
Our Guest, Joe Saunders:
Miniature Landscape Hobbies YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MiniatureLandscapeHobbies/about
Joe's livestream on Building Terrain:
Joe's Etsy Store:
Joe on Patreon:
Joe's Books for the CWP Virtual Library:
Peter Morby, Creating a Napoleonic Wargames Army, 1809-1815 (Crowood Wargaming Guides) Creating A Napoleonic Wargames Army 1809-1815 (Crowood Wargaming Guides) eBook : Morbey, Peter: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store
David Miller, Fighting Men of World War Two: Axis (Simon and Schuster) Fighting Men of World War II - Axis eBook : Miller, David, Smith, Graham: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store
Canadian Content Corner:
Paul Woodage of WW2TV talks to Edwin Popken on the Battle of Kapelsche Veer: https://youtu.be/8_LzRfAuARY
James Holland and Al Murray of We Have Ways podcast talk to Mark Zuehlke about the Canadian Army in NW Europe:
Other Stuff Mentioned:
Becke and Summerfield, Hanau 1813: Napoleon's Retreat from Liepzig
Sam Mustafa's Lasalle II rules: https://sammustafa.com/lasalle/
HotLead 2022 (Mar 18-20) https://hotlead.ca
CanGames 2022 (May 20-22) http://cangames.ca
Our Closing March
The Lincoln and Welland Regiment:
The Lincoln and Welland Regiment - Wikipedia
The Lincolnshire Poacher: March of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment https://youtu.be/s6vyUcF_F2k
Contact Us:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
In our January Episode, we speak with our guest Jason Weiser, the genius behind the first hobby magazine aimed at North American readers in twenty years! Jason's been on a tour of all the posh podcasts, from Yorkshire to the Great White North. We slaved in the studio to get this month's podcast ready just a day before the second edition of MM is released! It's a nervy thing to do and we applaud the chutzpah of Jason and his team. Listeners may recall that we talked with our guest Don Perrin about the demise of hobby magazines on this side of the Atlantic, so we wish the newcomer every success.
The interview begins at 14:45 in the podcast. You can check out the magazine at https://militaryminiature.com and we encourage you to subscribe or at least order an issue.
Elsewhere in this podcast, James talks about getting the Russian Napoleonic army for Christmas, Mike talks about his problems and hopes in getting started in 3D printing, and we nervously cross our fingers as we discuss plans for Hot Lead 2022 in the Time of Omicron.
Links for some of the stuff what we talk about:
Tadenac Games Canada:
@TadenacGames tadenac.canada@gmail.com
Legions IV Hire:
Hot Lead 2022:
Our March Out this month is in honour of the Royal Canadian Navy and of ou Canuck wargamer friend, @Medical_Int (Cheers, Thomas!). The HMCS Naden Band:
Contact Us:
Mike: madpadre@gmail.com